Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Have I lost my mind?

Ah, well, having it was over rated.

I have been learning to dirt dye t-shirts. Yes, I am dying t-shirts with the dirt from our yard. I figure if they're all gonna be that color anyways.....

Actually we are doing them for our Uncle Mike, who is stationed in Iraq, and for some good friends who are moving (no no no no, can't think about that). Kind of a "someone in Texas loves you" type thing, but with dirt. Dirt is a boys love language.

Turns out though, that despite the ease with which church clothes are stained between the house and the car, it's not so easy to do this on purpose. But you can find anything on the internet (that's my official motto). Turns out boiling them in a mud/tea combo is the way to go. We'll soon find out. My house smells of Almond Vanilla Tea, which I craved for about 3 seconds in my last pregnancy and was just sitting in my cupboard, and mud. The tannin in tea allows the mud to penetrate the fabric.

Uncle Mike's is gonna say "Uncle Mikes TEXAS dirt dyed shirt". I'm trying to think of something clever to put on our friends, they say they are only going for 2 years and will be back. I want to remind them of that. Strongly. That people in Texas are waiting for them. Impatiently waiting.

I'm also currently working on a crochet pattern of footprints, organizing the house, learning to make tortillas and other flat breads, getting all the high fructose corn syrup out of our diets, getting all the scrapbooks caught up, and all the other stuff I do. I need a wife.

Monday, July 14, 2008

So I'm thinking of getting arrested

Cause I get time off from cooking, a free place to sleep, and now, a free t-shirt when I make my bail.

I love this sign. It has been up for several months, but I never have my camera with me. I finally got the pic. Get Yours Today! Like getting a t-shirt would be a good reason for getting arrested. I got arrested, but I got a free t-shirt, so it's all good. My sense of the ridiculous is most amused by this.

I do realize jail is serious, maybe that's why this is so funny to me.

I used to joke that I what I really needed was a good inpatient program, it's like a vacation covered by insurance, but I'm not addicted to anything. I wonder if I could make a convincing argument for an addiction to floor cleaning devices. My husband has said I'm not allowed to bring another one into the house. I love them, whether they vacuum, mop, or sweep, I just love them. Maybe it's because with all these boys, dirt on the floors isn't so much something we clean as something we move around in hopes of having a place to sit.