Saturday, October 25, 2008

I've been tagged!

My friend Kerrie, over at Life At Number 14, tagged me on my kids blog! How fun! Since I try to keep that one strictly for them (and my in laws read it LOL), I decided to do it over here.

  1. I live in Texas and hate cold weather, but I LOVE jackets and boots.
  2. I really admire people who are really good at what they do, even if I don't like them. For instance, I had a grudging admiration for Bill Clinton for being an amazing politician, even though he was pretty much a dog as a person.
  3. I love to roller blade. I don't get to do it but I love it and I can even do a couple of tricks.
  4. I've never been stung by a bee. I used to sit in flower patches and let them crawl all over me, but never was stung.
  5. I want to adopt. Preferably from Africa.
  6. I worked at 6 Flags Over Texas and can probably still say the train speech.
  7. My kids are 4th generation Texans. I married a non-Texan but it's ok, his mom was born in Dallas.
Hmmmmm, now must tag 7 people. The only problem with that is I don't really have 7 people to tag LOL. I don't know that many people with blogs that haven't already done this.

Oh well. If you have a blog and read mine and wouldn't mind being tagged, please let me know and I'll link to you. If you don't have a blog, you can leave your seven random facts in the comments.

Thanks Kerrie! That was fun!

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