Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Another challenge, but I'm too late to enter the contest this week. Ah well, the challenge encouraged me to take a picture I've been meaning to take for a while.

I found a picture years ago of my great-grandmother bathing my mother in a gigantic bowl on her front porch. I don't own the picture, but I just loved it. A few year after that, my daughter Rose died and it brought me great comfort to picture Rose being bathed by my Granny. Granny loved babies, so I just knew she was there to welcome Rose, bathe her, care for her as I could not.

And now I have a baby girl here, in my arms, to love and care for, so today we got out a big bread bowl :


CJCACC's Mom said...

She is adorable!!!!!!

What a beautiful picture of your Granny bathing Rose... MISSing your big princess with you.

Unknown said...

Oh I love them!!! The photos are wonderful, and tha baby girl is so much more so :D


I guess you're enjoying the new camera then :)

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful, Tracy.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how wonderful! Just...everything. She is beautiful, the portraits are, too, and I love hearing your love and seeing her joy.